Thursday, June 26, 2008


This was a featured movie on youtube I fell upon just now. Crazy awesome stuff!! I really want to know how they did some of the shots.

And if you know some Japanese, check out their website/blogspot

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Animation Mentor on Youtube and others


For those who aren't registered to Animation Mentors online newsletter [if you aren't I'm sorry but you fail at life [joking~ ;P]] Anyway~! To the point of the post they have made accounts into youtube, facebook, myspace and Aniboom. [Click on Picture to access Links]

I have subscribed to their youtube account. I suggest other do too~

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Eap I from Robyn Murphy on Vimeo

First EAP finished for Ian's class. Shame about the model screwing up =/ ah well I think I like his non-stretchy/thin legs.